Tuesday, 8 December 2020

For the Love of Blogs

Oh dear dear me, it has been a year. I used to so love writing blog posts. I had a think about it while I was in the shower earlier, and I've been bloggin on one platform or another for twenty years. Yes, since my first Myspace page had that little blog section in the top right hand corner. Over the past year, I have, like many people in this world, been incredibly sad. Sad, frustrated, overwhelmed, any number of less-than positive emotions. So I didn't write, I didn't share my stories the way I used to. 

I realised this morning that I miss that, that absolutely normal, often mundane practice of writing a blog post and talking about the silly stuff of life. It's been an important way for me to keep in touch with friends and family, and this past year I've found myself slipping further and further away from them - taking longer to reply to messages, not reaching out when I would love help or support, in many ways isolating myself emotionally as well as (obviously) physically. 

I started up a Wordpress blog for the purpose of discussing topics relating to the more 'academic' side of my interests, but to be honest I couldn't be bothered keeping that up at this point. I'm going to re-share those posts here, and then I'm just going to keep on writing here. This blog The Feel of Home, has been with me for so long that I'm just going to share those posts here and I'm going to keep writing about the topics that resonate most with me - being a mother, 'home' (what does that mean these days, when I live in a glorified Airbnb miles from home), muddling through life. 

Welcome back, friends. Thanks for sticking around. Sorry I never write back. I'm just very sad right now, you see.

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