Monday, 7 December 2015

On the absolute joy of being alone

This one's for all those girls who would rather sit at home on a Friday night and rearrange their furniture, make some soap and eat a steak than go out and drinks alcohols. Who usually like to leave parties early just to take the long walk home, listening to music and recharging. 

I don't like crowds, and despite being a fairly bubbly person who has no problem striking up conversations with strangers, I have come to really prefer my own company as time has gone on. I can't remember the last time I went to a pub with a group and didn't have a huge desire to just make my excuses (or not) and leave. 

It's been a funny few weeks; Leo moved over here to begin a Masters and decided not to continue with it, so then we had to work out the next plan. Moving to Dublin to get a job was his decision. All in all, it was a hectic two months or so. After spending a week there to-ing and fro-ing without a fixed place to sleep before we moved into the new home, we were hanging around a lot, in other peoples' spaces. Before that, I was juggling PhD, my admin role, running a student society, being involved in my Dept. and being a full-time girlfriend. 

It was exhausting.

Now that it's just me, back here in Durham on my own once again, I'm beginning to appreciate the absolute sheer joy of my own space. The silence of being in a room, in a house, on my own, with no noise, no people. Because it's nice to be with the one you love, but sometimes it's just as nice to be all on your own. Call it self-care, call it being mindful, call it what you will, but it's so important to just take the time to be alone.

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