Showing posts with label coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coffee. Show all posts

Monday 9 September 2013

Coffee Infographic, Anyone?


This infographic tells you all the very fancy ways to brew coffee and the type of end result you might get.

For me, however, filter paper, boiling water and patience is all I've ever needed.

Here's a short anecdote I have about coffee. When I was approximately four, at least before I had started primary school, so I must have been four, every second Wednesday my mom would take me to the Country Store where we would pick up whatever she needed, and the Animals of Farthing Wood magazine for me.

I would then have Waffles crisps for lunch with a cup of instant coffee, plenty of milk, and read my magazine. This was my earliest experience of drinking coffee, and if you're shaking your head in disbelief at the recklessness of my mother for giving caffeine to basically a toddler, look around you and I defy you to not spot at least three small children guzzling either soft drinks or sugary sweets.

A little spoon of freeze dried coffee never did anyone any harm. In fact, it probably aided me in becoming the excellent human being I am today.

Monday 2 September 2013

First Breakfast

Well this is it, we are students no more; we have moved out of our dorm room and into an aparment in Frederiskburg (great location, great apartment). Grown ups now, I guess. Leo started a new job at a fancy-pants bank today, and I'm hanging around, unpacking and feeling a bit listless because tomorrow I go back to Ireland to learn to drive.

I'm 24, and haven't had more than 4 lessons. I've set myself a project for this year to get my license, and hopefully the less amount of time it takes, the better. Then it'll be back here for a while, work, try to make some money, and then I have some really sweet travel and study plans.

But for now, I'm sitting here amidst boxes and suitcases, eating on proper crockery and feeling both content and sad.

For those interested, I am having banana (fruit is better sliced up), pain au chocolat, and the most amazing type of breakfast food that exists, apple pureé heated up with cinammon, and (organic is better) natural yoghurt poured on. When I have kids I will feed them nothing but this. It's magical stuff, and beyond healthy too.

I also whipped out the big Bodum pot and am attempting to caffeinate myself into being excited. Pity it's blustery and grey outside.

Sunday 23 June 2013

The sun is still shining! Summer Solstice, museums and weekends

It's gone from long beautiful sunny day to long beautiful sunny days interspersed with torrential rainfall. I can't count on one hand the number of times I've unwittingly ventured out wearing just a tshirt and leggings in +20c just to arrive home half an hour later like a drowned rat. I'm so grateful for the last few weeks (months?!) of gorgeous weather, but part of me isn't ready for it to end yet. I'm spending all of July in Ireland, and that will be a surprise to the system, I'm pretty sure.

It's the Midsummer celebrations tonight so we're going to a local park to watch a bonfire and eat strawberries. It's rained a lot today, so let's hope it lets up until tomorrow. I love both the Winter and Summer Solstice. There's something magical about those times of the year, it's so unique. 

This weekend I wasn't working very much (actually, I did a two hour shift and that was it), so I've been switching off the 'worry, you need money' side of my brain and enjoying long cycles outside, trips to museums, free coffee and snacks at my friend's café, a trip to see Only God Forgives (oh God, so bloody, so violent), and thinking a lot, as usual, about the future.

Was very impressed by this coffee, was not impressed by the pretentious coffee snobbery of the baristas

OMG! Collection of Oddities at the Geological Museum

Stuff in jars e'er day

Best balcony

Cake Making the week before last

Sheer Concentration

A work of art

What's that? A section about Foucauldian theory in an art book? Ok, cool!