Showing posts with label Gay Pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gay Pride. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Last Saturday Leo and I decided to go to the Kunst museum to learn some Danish, because they have a well lit cafe and it seemed like a nice way to pass a few hours.

On the way we got caught up in the Copenhagen Pride Parade and stopped for at least 40 minutes, mesmerised by truck after truck of all singing, all dancing men, women, drag queens, and every kind of gendered identity you could imagine. It was fantastic, seeing so many individuals (and so many children, so many supporters of gay rights, normative families, elderly people) simply partying, having a great time, and celebrating every aspect of the 'gender' spectrum. It really warmed my heart.

Pride 2013

Pride 2013 Copenhagen
What a city :)

Gay Pride
The buses usually have Danish flags

 We finally made it to the museum, and spent a few minutes acting like dorks and taking pictures of ourselves. This one I call 'A Study in Motion and Stillness':

Copenhagen Denmark


Then we had coffee and wrote lists of impossible Danish words for a while.

Coffee and cake

Coffee and cake

Coffee and Cake

Then we went (yet again) to Paludan bogcafe, where we split the biggest plate of tagliatelle ever and a berry smoothie, and then I had to go to work and was sad.